Technology: August 2003 Archives

Maple Ave (Digimon) / Meredith Allen

I haven't had much time to post lately, because I've been working on my new biz for hosting artist web sites. The working name for the project is "ArtCat", but there's nothing corporate to show you yet.

I have the beta version of the first artist site up -- Meredith Allen. I wasn't completely ready to launch, but something big was about to happen! Meredith's photo on the homepage appeared this week in the September 1st issue of the New Yorker, as the illustration for a Dave Eggers story titled Measuring the Jump.

News Flash! It's now on the New Yorker home page.

If any of you can link to her site or mention it in your weblogs, I would really apppreciate it. I'm trying to get it to show up in Google so that people seeing her image in the New Yorker will end up at Meredith's site.

The site will have more content, images, plus some design changes over the next days and weeks. Her site is the test case for my new system, and I'm still working out some things.

and you have Time Warner Cable, I wouldn't get it. For an extra $10/month, they've introduced a Digital Video Recorder. We just got ours, and it's pretty cool. I'm using it to tape Deutsche Welle each morning for German practice.


Very cool tool! If you find yourself editing HTML, or just having trouble fixing formatting problems in your blog posts, you have to get Mozilla and installl the pnhtoolbar.

It lets you do cool stuff like outline all of the block elements -- "why is that indented there?!", view cookies, disable style sheets, enable a different style sheet, etc.

This page is an archive of entries in the Technology category from August 2003.

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