Theater: April 2008 Archives


Regular readers of this blog have seen many mentions of the theater company The Civilians. Their latest benefit is Monday, May 12th. Come join me and James at this fun event.

Update: I forgot to mention that Mary Testa and Celia Keenan-Bolger will be among the performers, and that the silent auction is likely to have some good art in it. I know that Mixed Greens is donating some pieces.

Paris Commune II Communards in the South Pacific

Monday,May 12, 8 PM to 1 AM, Performance at 9 PM
Element Nightclub, 225 East Houston Street
@ Essex Street / Avenue A, New York, NY 10002

Enjoy drinks and dancing in this trendy Lower East Side club, surrounded byThe CiviliansÂ’ artists, friends, and supporters. This Benefit event will include complimentary sponsored drinks, full cash bar, light hors dÂ’oeuvres, and an exciting silent auction.

In honor of our production of Paris Commune at the Public Theater, the company will perform a special sequel to the revolution. Following the Communards (in song) from life in the streets of Paris to exile on the French Polynesian island of New Caledonia, this one-time only event is guaranteed to prove that the fight (and the show) must go on.

Tickets $25 to $150. R.S.V.P. at or by calling (212)-730-2019.

This page is an archive of entries in the Theater category from April 2008.

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