Technology: September 2007 Archives

Here's a post for my geek readers. ArtCal now uses Amazon S3 for all of the exhibition images. That means we don't have to worry about storage space as we continue to add shows, and that images should load more quickly.

Quite of the few of the ads are served that way too. We just DNS magic to make it appear that they're coming from hosts with names like and


The new ArtCal uses feeds from Flickr,, and also searches for links back to each listing via Bloglines Citations. When you're out taking photos and videos, or writing about shows, don't forget to tag/link appropriately.

This page
(which was used for the screencap above) shows a good example of all three.

Update: Here is another idea for artists and galleries. If you have video or computer animation in a show, and your website isn't really set up well for video (unlike this), put some excerpts on and tag them so that people visiting the exhibition page on ArtCal can watch them.

This page is an archive of entries in the Technology category from September 2007.

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